• I do!!!
  • I am an outsider and I support a land called Palestine and a land called Israel. I think the bloodshed all these years on both sides is deplorable..all this over dirt/earth? Really? How sad is that. :(
  • not my issue! they have been fighting over that from before.....i'm not that old!lol
  • Which part of the Bible? Throughout the history covered there are a great many changes in the political landscape. Which exact time do you choose? Because if we go down that route do we also support the return of the entire Mediterranean to the Romans as it was in the New Testament of the Bible? That is not to say Israel doesn't have a right to exist. It does for a number of reasons. But I am very wary of 'returning' lands to peoples based upon historical precedent. We could also then claim that the Gaels should return Scotland to those of Pictish decent. Or that the English (Anglo-Saxons) should leave the UK and hand it back to those of Romano-Briton decent. If the argument is a religious one again where do you draw this arbitrary line? Should the UK be forced to convert to Catholicism en masse or be handed to Catholic peoples as this was for many centuries the dominant religion in the area? Sure Israel has a right to exist but also the indigenous Palestinian peoples also have rights. The decisions should be based upon modern political reasons not a desire to replicate another point in history or fulfil questionable prophecies or religious points of view.
  • Whatever! the reasons for this are not clear apart from theft.
  • Who supports returning America to its native people. They held it far more recently than the Jews did the Holy Lands. If we are determined to turn the clock back, shouldn't Palestine be given to the decendents of the Philistines. The Jews took it from them by military force, after all. How fair is that?
  • Its not possible, feasible or a better idea. Throughout history there has been political changes all over this globe. If it were to mean Jews should get their biblical lands back, then everybody else will ask in the same way to get their ancient historical lands back. And that wouldn't be fair or easy.
  • Not hardly. Should we give all lands back to folks that were there years ago, including America back to the original inhabitants? Current laws as to property ownership should and will stand.
  • All lands have be conquered, consider it as rental property there will never be permanent ownership of lands. It all depends on how long one can hold onto property, whether it be 1 year or 10,000 years.
  • No. It is a ridiculous plight based on ancient fiction that should not be funded by American taxpayers money.
  • The Jews have a land. It is called Israel and it has a seat among the community of nations,rightfully so. Now if we could get Israel's neighbors to get used to this idea and learn to live with Israel in peace we would be better off. Rome is a "Bibical land" does this count?
  • Not really, for the same reasons as the likes of Tinkerbell have given.
  • It doesn't matter what we think. Eventually the land WILL be given back to the Jews, by God, when Christ returns; which I am guessing, given what I know of what is happening in the world at the moment, should be in the next decade or so. So, it really is irrelevant what anyone thinks. If interested in what the borders of Israel will be at that time, read the book of Ezekiel, the last chapter.
  • They have it already.
  • God left Israel/Israelites a long time ago, as a matter of fact at the end of Malachi...about 400 yrs later Judah's lineage brought in the Messiah ...HE showed they have no temple or lands anymore, they are not a chosen,people or land...Jerusalem nor Israel are BELONG to no one,just all nations and lands do..:)justme
  • I do. Then we can send them a nuke.
  • not me..God gave the Israelites the Biblical lands on condition: that they obeyed...they did not...s..its not theirs to give back...all land is God's...HE will return to HIS when HE comes back....which will be Jew and Gentile.....HIS CHOSEN .....the righteous of this earth ..which is not going to be Jews alone...:)
  • The entire argument is idiotic. If the Jews would just STOP handing over land in the vain hope that the Palestineans will be nicer to them, they would already HAVE those lands. They took that land fair and square during the 6 Day War. When was that? 1967?
  • Anyone that does should support return of the US to the original inhabitants too.
  • The lands in question were originally won in battles so what is different now ? More blood shed.Abraham's people (Jews, Muslims ,Christins) continue the fight. Who wins ? Not humankind !
  • Absolutely not! That bible story always upset me. People were living in the "Promised Land" and "god" said to drive them out and settle the land. Many Orthodox Jews and Christian sects want all of the land so that either the Messiah comes or the Last Days start. I find either proposition appalling. What gives anyone a right to dispossess the people? I disagree with any forced colonization. It is wrong and it is absolutely against human rights.
  • I say let them fight their own battles!

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