Adverse weather affects launches. For example it could be just cloudy at sea level, yet have huge winds higher up.
sometimes they delay even when it's sunny out. they also have to think of the weather at emergency landing areas, which are all over the world. if they don't have a viable emergency landing site, they won't launch. of course, if it's cloudy at the space center, there is the danger of high winds and lightning.
Probably because of lessons learned when Apollo 12 was launched into a thunderstorm. They were struck by lightning 36 seconds after liftoff which knocked out the onboard computer and the spacecraft guidance platform until Pete Conrad, Dick Gordon and Alan Bean could recycle the circuit breakers and bring their spacecraft back online.
Also, after Challenger, they will not launch when it is cold out. I would assume they would wait for the best weather possible to launch.
because it would be easier to use 48 thousand pound gyro's and reentry would be a breeze at night.
8-19-2017 So they can see where to search for survivors.
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