Stupidity still lies among people.
It is easy.
It persists because every since it has initiated, the poison has seeped down our ancestral lines. The family/friend influence is very powerful, and can propagandize our minds. That is why it continues. Sad, isn't it?
Fear of taking risks and getting to know people for who they are. That takes a lot of energy to try an erase some kind of prejudgment that's been around for a long time. It's "easier" to fall into the trap.
It is a left over from a survival trait that developed when people who rejected differences, their offspring were more likely to survive. From this, differences seemed to be something to avoid. Even where racism is reduced, there is still discrimination against visual differences, such as against red/blond hair, or against blue/brown eyes, or tall/short and so on.
The media is a big part of it,causing confusion and fear.
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