• stop the pain
  • Standard pressure and temperature.
  • Stupid theveing policiticans Fox700
  • It Chemistry it stands for standard temperature and pressure, traditionally 0ΒΊ C and 101.325 kPa. There's also a band, Stone Temple Pilots, who are commonly referred to by the moniker STP.
  • "STP (physical chemistry, physics) standard temperature and pressure spanning tree protocol (electronics) shielded twisted pair" Source and further information: "Commercial Straight Through Processing is a banking term where a financial transaction is automatically completed without manual intervention. STP is a motor oil company, its initialism meaning "Scientifically Treated Petroleum". STP is the process for developing marketing strategy through segmenting the market, targeting a segment and then positioning the product or brand. STP is the New York Stock Exchange symbol for Suntech Power Holdings, a Chinese manufacturer of photovoltaic cells Situation Target Proposal, common term used in project management. Drug Slang STP is slang applied to phencyclidine (PCP) and 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine (DOM). Geographical Saint Paul, Minnesota. The IATA airport code for St. Paul Downtown Airport Saint Peter, particularly Saint Peter, Minnesota. The IOC country code and the FIFA country code for SΓ£o TomΓ© and PrΓ­ncipe. The National Rail code for St Pancras railway station Music Stone Temple Pilots, an American rock band. Secret Tweaker Pad by Sublime off their Robbin' the Hood album. Stones Touring Party, the Rolling Stones 1972 American Tour. STP, a shortlived NYC all-female foxcore band which included Pussy Galore guitarist Julie Cafritz Sports and recreation 25 metre standard pistol, a shooting sport Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic, an annual one and two day supported bicycle ride from Seattle, Washington to Portland, Oregon Street Trail Park "STP" a type of bicycle manufactured by Giant. It is a purpose built bicycle aimed at Stunts and Tricks such as Trials, Dirt Jumping and Street skills. STP is the street name (an acronym for "Serenity, Tranquility & Peace") for the hallucinogenic drug 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine which is referred to as "DOM" in scientific literature. Scientific and technical Standard Temperature and Pressure, a scientific term which represents a convention of designating standard conditions. Often, but not always, denoting a temperature of 0 Β°C and pressure of 101.3 kPa. Standard thermodynamic properties South Texas Project, a nuclear power station located southwest of Bay City, Texas. Spanning Tree Protocol is a network protocol providing a loop free topology for a LAN or bridged network. Shielded Twisted Pair is a type of cable. Signal Transfer Point is an SS7 packet switch. Sodium tripolyphosphate, a preservative. Space Test Program, a program conducted by the USAF Space Development and Test Wing at Kirtland Air Force Base. Shovel test pit, method for archaeological survey. Software Test Plan Soil Test Phosphorus Standard Test Procedure Steiner Tree Problem in graphs Strategic Technology Plan Sewage treatment plant Short-term potentiation Submerged Turret Production, a technology used to exploit offshore oil and gas fields. Skin Test Positivity, a study performed on an individual's skin to assess allergic response Sufficient To Prove, a mathematical term used in proofs Simple Theorem Prover, a constraint solving software Separation transfer point Soldier training publication Education Sacrae Theologiae Professorae, or Professor of Sacred Theology (possibly archaic), see Doctor of Sacred Theology" Source and further information:

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