• Being able to withstand cognitive dissonance is an essential part of being a theist. Oh, and opposites day comes almost everyday. Disclaimer: I know that I can't paint Christians with this broad of a brush. It's just the group of Christians that are "True Christians"(tm)--you know the ones that are busy telling us right here on AB that all atheists, Mormons, Catholics, JWs, etc. are going to hell--all the while proclaiming to be the only true, loving ones.
  • It's such a shame that all the Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, Agnostics, Spiritualists and Animists are all going to Hell. Thank goodness those right-wing, flat-world, Evangelicals are all "right!"
  • I wish you could edit your question to read "SOME Christians"! [I realize that you can't.] I'm a Christian...I don't believe that...and I mind my own business. And I'm not the only one. Thank you. By the way...Luv ya! :-)
  • Well, they say "The Way" is a straight and narrow road. So straight and narrow, in fact, that it's ridiculously easy (an extreme understatement) to become distracted and lose sight of one's objectively. Even more difficult if you're not entirely clear on what that objective is supposed to be. ALL religions have this problem. You have "The DESTINATION". Then you're offered various paths to follow. Then you have conflicting interpretations WITHIN the various paths to follow. Then, of course, no one wants to believe they're taken the "wrong" path, so you find people who find it necessary to defend their choice or condemn someone else's choice. We haven't even gotten to the DIFFICULTY of MASTERING whatever's required to actually WALK the path. It's no wonder that people lose sight of the real significance is following "The Way". You have to just put it all in perspective and not take it personal. They mean no harm...they're only doing the best they can.
  • I am a Christian. We believe there is only one way to GOD, belief in JESUS as your savior. If we believed there were multiple ways to GOD, then we would be Unitarian Universalists. WE DO love everyone. We show our love by telling you how not to go to hell.Isn't it loving to not want someone to be punished for all eternity? Why is it "hateful" to say some one is wrong? Doesn't every religion think they are the only ones who are right? Why are you singling out Christians?
  • we are supposed to love everyone. Christians who yell about hell and try to tell you are going to hell are a little confused... God is the only one who makes the judgement about who goes to heaven and hell (this is right out of the Bible too). i think a lot of Christians forget that, and it's easier to judge than to love.
  • Yes we are suppose to love matter what color, creed, race....We all have to live on this earth together after all. People do have a right to their opinion, but they should not try to force it on others
  • Because atheists can't tell you that. christians are the ONLY ones who can tell you that, cause they are the only ones who believe that to be the case.
  • Has anyone elso noticed how popular it is to hate Christians? It isn't politically correct to hate on any other religion but it seems like it is perfectly acceptable to make ugly assumptions and remarks about Christians...Hmmm. Maybe all that liberal acceptance of all types of people doesn't extend to us..
  • You are mistaking "big mouth, arrogant, name only, attention seeking christians with true followers of Jesus, who believe thou shall not judge.
  • ok first dont generalize all christians as people who immediately condem to hell. there are some sects who are very adamint on informing all people including other christians that they are going to hell. my religion for the most part we dont tell people they are going to hell. however there are always people who do their own thing.
  • The thing about Christians arguing with other people trying to convert them or insult them is them misinterpreting the message from God. If you look at it all religions are in a way right, but not completely correct. All religions repeat parts of other religions in their belifes. they are just distorted versions of one religion from the past, corroded over time. Do not listen to people who cant see the truth which is...we dont really know what the truth is.
  • yeah they are really pieces of garbage when they do that. I hope whenever they say that they realize they will go to HELL.
  • Why is disagreeing with someone considered hate?
  • I have never heard anyone tell someone they were going to hell except in old movies with hellfire preachers. I'm a Christian and I've never said that to anyone. It is presumptuous to tell anyone where they are going or not going, positive or negative.
  • Randoley: Thanks for explaining your capitalization. I would have read your posts much differently had I understood. The reason I try to follow grammar and conventions carefully on the internet is because it's so difficult to communicate and have others understand us here. You and anon, for example, thought I was angry and I wasn't. I admit that I'm still feeling a bit sheepish about showing my exact feelings about Christianity to you. It's something I've never done before, because I do think it's rude and offensive--unless you directly ask for me to do so. I feel that you sharing your exact feelings is the same, and that's the whole point I was trying to make here. I'm sorry for not communicating that better. Anon: I do need evidence for the important things in my life. I especially need evidence for extraordinary claims. I know full well that to be a Christian that you have to accept based on faith. That is reason enough for me to reject Christianity and all other forms of theism. I do not discount your belief or your right to your belief.
  • Because if more people don't think the way they do, christianity will slowly fade away into agnosticism. Which would be just fine by me.

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