• maybe cuz we're originally gay!!
  • At this point, we don't know to what extent genetics have a role in homosexuality in addition to other factors, like environment and things like embryonic hormones. However, there are several studies and theories that help shed light on possible reasons homosexuality has been maintained. According to recent studies, the gene variants that cause homosexual behavior also boost fertility in women. So, even though the chance of reproduction happening is lowered because of the homosexual behavior, it is increased by the fertility of the women (who pass on the homosexual genes). This is very similar to what we know about the gene variants for sickle-cell anemia. These are maintained because the same genes reduce the severity of malaria in the species. In other words, even though it's beneficial to a small segment of the population of the species who have sickle-cell anemia, the reward is much greater. You can read more about these studies here: Another interesting theory is that homosexuality could be the result of females preferring males with certain characteristics, which in time, evolved into homosexuality. What this means is that in primitive times, women weren't attracted to men with typical homosexual-characteristics so eventually these type of men evolved into homosexuals. Richard Dawkins has a very good response to basically the same question here:
  • If god hates gays, why does he keep making them?
  • If there are benefits to genes that are related to homosexuality, I wonder why it isn't more widespread?
  • Maybe homosexuality is one of nature's ways of helping keep the population down in a harmless way. Just practice safe sex as all people should be doing.
  • Homosexuality is a mutation. I doesn't happen because it's favorable, but rather by mistake.
  • Evolution is on the survivial of the species, it now seems, rather than just the individual. Also, latest science shows homosexuality can be greatly influenced by hormones you are exposed to in the womb - I read somewhere that it now seems that if an area suffers a lot of drought, or famine, hormones are created that make a larger proportion of the next generation homosexual, to try to prevent the population from growing too much in the long run, living beyond its means.
  • Why would they???
  • It has not been determined that homosexuality is he result of genetic influences.
  • If god was a real phenomenon and he disliked homosexuality, why wouldn't he have just made the necessary corrections to prevent it in the first place?

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