Nothing beats a good game of Monopoly IF everyone plays to the end of the game and no one quits ... maybe a game of Charades ... Then; I'd move on to the video games for 2 and play wrestling or boxing ...etc ..
Board Games or Computer Chess type games.
video games
Video games. RPG games, where you start off with these little, weak warriors and turn them into Titans! lol.
Video games, followed by board games. Nothing beats a good game on Monopoly, but I so rarely get to play. I like chess as well, but I spend much more time on video games.
"Video Games" ..... Adventure, RPG, Strategy, Puzzle (eg: Tetris)
A board game sometimes requires games don't. Currently I have the "Hoyle" card games and a scrabble-like game called "Bespelled". I am getting as hooked on Bespelled much as I am hooked on AB. Happy Sunday! :) ((hugs))
Depends on how many people are participating. If there are enough players, board games are the best. Only one other, arcade games and video games. Alone - video games, arcade games then computer games.
I prefer video games (especially mobile). My favorite ones now are Realmcraft, Earthcraft, and Adventaria.
I am a fan of video games.
Board games. They bring people closer and strengthen relationships.
I prefer Scrabble with a woman friend. Its fun competing with each other.
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