Non Contact Infrared Thermometer -- $19.99
While Supplies Last
Other...being not at all
Waterfall...If I still smoked that is...
Back in college, when I tried (*wink*wink*) marijuana, we had a 4 ft bong called "the ROAR"...Upon ignition, the thing would really make one of course I didnt inhale though.
My favorite way to partake is to say "No thank you".
The carbuereter pipe. Great shotguns!
Joints are very nice. But you already knew that... :)
When I used to smoke it, I liked joints and blunts because there was no evidence remaining after and it was just more convenient.
Blunt or a pipe, Blunts taste gooood and get u wrecked after a few, and a pipe is even better if its good quality, a bong comes a close third
all of the above please
joint for me
anything i could get
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