• Transmetropolitan, because it was fun and you didn't expect alot of what happened.
  • Daredevil Yellow Written by Jeph Loeb and Penciled by Tim sale. Loeb is one of (if not the) greatest comic book writers of all time and Sale is an amazingly talented and interesting artist. All the work they have collaborated on is simply golden. (spider man blue, Batman: Long Halloween, Supper man for all seasons... the list goes on) Daredevil yellow is my favorite because of its balance of action, drama, narative devices, it has it all. great retelling of daredevil's origins and exploration as to the relationship of his hero, work and love life. Great story by a great writer and awesome artist.
  • Archie and Jughead Have an Adventure
  • the Authority: this justice league like team tells the world "We're here to give you a second chance. To make a world worth living in. We are The Authority. Behave." you've got to love a woman whose dying words are "Save the world. They deserve it. Be better. Or I'll come back and kick your heads in."

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