• hmm I would love to look at the single cell organism known as god underneath a microscope!! It would be fascinating!
  • I will do everything I can to make sure you don't get rated down. I believe that your idea is more plausible than an omnipotent being. I don't believe that there was only one one-celled organism in the beginning. I bet there were a bunch, because the chances of just one surviving is very small. So it is a polytheistic beginning...
  • Well, perhaps God made us in his/her image and then we all evolved. Imagine God trying to explain it!
  • Good question, but if that was the case, It makes me wonder where the organism was created/born? I dont see God as a living organism, but more of a spiritual entity ... (no offense intended)
  • There is a theory that because God is irrational, it's located in the place where the smallest is also the biggest. If we believe that a cell is smallest living organism (though it isn't), then if it is God it should be the biggest living organism.
  • Since Evolution says we all come from a single cell and religion tells us" God is in all of us' . I certainly do not see anything to downrate in your question Though I do agree that there would have needed to be more than one cell bacteria to have survived many must have died in the treks between water pools. as the land dried out. Now here come my downrates , pretty open minded for a Roman Catholic . Everyone has a right to thought and beliefs however diverse
  • Since you are half right, you get 3 from me
  • Wow Bob! I love this idea!! So the question here is 'What if?'... Hmmmm, as usual, my answer is: That would really explain a lot of things.
  • Excellent question. I do know, according to the Bible, that God is light. "I am the light of the world" Light is composed of a cell or cells.
  • Why not? It is as good an explanation as any.
  • This would not make it GOD, it would just make it a single celled organism which all life originated from
  • Great question. I would say yes. As in eternal life could be your influence on the earth continuing forever. Also, Jesus was conceived by a single sperm that was a gift from God. Your one cell theory, the start of life, continues the start of all life, all new children, including Jesus.
  • Well so far your not being rated down eh? Ok IF God, Goddess, Gods was a microbo or 1 cell orgasm er organism it would be useless because there would be no creative structure without some type of energy released...
  • WOW! thats a great question. I am being very sarcastic when i say that is a good question. God said he created the fowl of the air the fish of the sea the beast of the earth and he said he created man in his own image to ask a question like is God a one celled thing is dumb because the beast and fowls are still beast and fowls and man is still man and if we were made in his image he isn't some one celled thing, toi say this would be comforming God to lies of the godless and the lies of the devil
  • If you would like to see the other side of the evolution theory here is a great link. It takes some real thinking to be an atheist. So many theories with time they all prove false. The real science has proven what the Bible has said for about four thousand years. Download some free DVD material if you dare. Sometimes we are afaid to face the facts so we hide behind ridicule and feel safe.
  • Good question. Even if you accept the "Big Bang" theory and decide the universe is around 13 billion years old, could there have been anoriginal one-celled organism that decided to go "BANG"? Probably as valid a theory as any other.
  • unfortunately, most people wouldn't believe it anyway
  • Care to read an excellent answer to cosmology. That is original cause or structure and parts of the system of creation Not my own by BadOldPuddyTat In cosmology there are two predominant theories: The Big Bang Theory, and The Steady State Theory; with the Big Bang being the most popular and accepted of the two. This theory asserts that our universe emerged from an enormously dense, and hot state around thirteen and a half billion years ago. There is some disagreement on what that dense, hot state consisted of; however some believe it was some kind of gravitational singularity. Try to imagine all the matter in the universe collapsing into one great ball of tremendously dense reactive material. Eventually, critical mass is reached, and the singularity explodes, creating the universe as we know it. The Steady State Theory speculates that new matter is continuously produced as the universe expands, in accordance to the Perfect Cosmological Principal. This principal states that the Universe is homogenous and isotropic in time and space (Looking the same in every direction is called isotropic, and looking the same at every point is called homogeneous). Cosmologists call this the assumption of maximal symmetry. However, with the discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation in 1965 (a form of electromagnetic radiation that fills the entire universe), the Steady State Theory was all but abandoned. Then, of course, we have String Theory; a mathematical entity used in representing elementary particles, such as gravitons, quarks, or leptons, in terms of a small yet finite string like object which exists in all four dimensions of spacetime, as well as additional, hypothetical, spacelike dimensions. This theory follows The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). Most of the mass of our universe appears in the form of “Dark Matter.” A prime candidate for dark matter composition is the Weakly Interactive Massive Particle, or WIMP. To explain the WIMP, one must look to Supersymmetry. The standard Supersymmetric model predicts the existence of Fermions (A particle, such as an electron, proton, or neutron, having half-integral spin and obeying statistical rules requiring that not more than one in a set of identical particles may occupy a particular quantum state), and Bosons (Any of a class of particles, such as the photon, pion, or alpha particle, that have zero or integral spin and obey statistical rules permitting any number of identical particles to occupy the same quantum state). One prediction of string theory is that we should start to see evidence of symmetry, at higher energy scales, that gives each particle that transmits a force (Bosons) a partner particle that makes up matter (Fermions), and vice versa. Fermions or Neutralinos have enormous mass, and their interaction with other particles is very weak. Theoretically Neutralinos could significantly contribute to the mass of the universe without reflecting or emitting light. This makes them a prime candidate for the WIMP. However, proving this will be difficult, since Neutralinos are virtually undetectable. In spite of the buzz surrounding this scientific arena, String, and Superstring Theory remain in the hypothetical areas of science. Both the Steady State Theory & String Theory suggest a universal expansion, similar to that of the Big Bang. So, why don’t we take a look at the Big Bang for a moment? A starting point from which collapsed matter is exploded outward suggests a center point of gravitational energy. If the universe were created from such an explosion, it would indicate that there is, in fact, a center of the universe; expansion suggests this as well. Anything that has a center, has boundaries from which that center is measured. Eventually, matter dispersed throughout the cosmos would reach those boundaries, and begin a slow return to the gravitational point of origin. Along with gravity, there are two other forces at work within a finite universe which is subject to such boundaries. Those forces are time, and space. The existence of time and space suggests that our reality has both a beginning and an end; a point at which time is born, and a point at which it dies. The beginning should be of particular interest to you. Where did our reality come from? Nothing? Think about what that suggests. That at some point there was nothing, then some kind of cosmic anomaly occurred, after which, there was something. If you were to try and imagine nothing, you would fail, because your every thought is something. Endless white emptiness, a black void, they are both something. By definition, the word nothing means NO-thing; no matter, no energy, no gravity, no space, no time, no cosmic anomalies, and no thought. It is the absolute absence of all things; in other words, complete non-existence. Therefore, if no building blocks exist, how does something anomalous occur? The short answer is: It doesn't. There is no gray area regarding this topic; it is completely black and white. Because we begin and end, we tend to think in linear terms, but the true reality is far from linear. Since there would be no building blocks, no existence of any kind, the state of nothing could NEVER have existed. Which leads to one conclusion: something must have ALWAYS existed. That core force, or energy which provides the building blocks for everything, would have to be eternal, having no beginning and no end; suggesting that eternity does, in fact, exist. We are finite, linear beings; living in a finite, linear reality. There is a progression from point A to point B for all things within the confines of this realm. Even wormhole technology is bound by this principal. Yes, it is possible to bend spacetime, however, the one bending it still begins at one point and ends at another. Regardless of the starting point, or the destination, the journey still has a linear progression. We think in linear terms. Thought begins with an observation, an idea, or a question, and ends with a conclusion that brings the thought into focus. Our reality operates under similar principals of progression. It commences with a beginning, and concludes with an ending. At the crux of this progression is time and space. However, using the principals of logical deduction, we will establish that the existence of time and space is a paradox. Existence cannot come from non-existence, and something cannot come from nothing. If “something” exists, it has always existed. If something has always existed, it is eternal. What is eternal is also infinite, having no beginning and no end. This is a state of timelessness. Within such a state, the laws of linear progression do not exist. And yet, here we are. The very nature of eternity requires no continual growth, as suggested by the Steady State Theory. Nor does it need to expand and collapse, as proposed by the Big Bang Theory. Eternity, that infinite something, would be in all places at once. It would be in perfect balance, existing equally, and evenly everywhere. There would be no empty pockets of space between clusters of dying stars and planets. Yet, again, here we are. And how is it that we can refer to ourselves as we, us, me, or I? How can we ponder such questions as these? While other animals are asking: “Where will the next meal come from?” the human animal is looking up at the stars and asking: “Where did I come from?” We are aware of self, and it is that self-awareness which fuels our consciousness. Some scientists have given the name “sentient energy” to that consciousness. Since something cannot come from nothing, the components for sentient energy would have to be present within the eternal force, from which all things are made. Thus, eternity would also have consciousness. Since humanity constantly seeks answers for things they do not understand, they would endeavor to put things into a perspective they could comprehend. If Abraham was told, in a dream, that Sodom and Gomorrah were to be destroyed by fire and brimstone, and it later came to pass, how would he explain that; prophetic intuition? Would he chalk it up to a lucky guess, or would he credit the prediction to an all-powerful God? Prophetic intuition implies something more than just a lucky guess, if the prophesy comes true. It suggests that we can see beyond the linear progression of time. In a finite reality, time creates itself from moment to moment; future events do not exist until they become present events. Seeing something before it happens would be impossible. However, if an eternal consciousness exists, it would not be bound by a linear progression of time. It would see, and think, everything all at once. Meaning, our reality will exist, does exist, and has existed collectively. Have you ever wondered if God knows what paths you will choose in life? Well, the answer should be obvious. Since time does not apply to a timeless eternity, the end and the beginning of a thought would exist together. It would be that thought, which would create the illusion of linear progression, for everything contained within. Since we are part of the thought, time will appear to progress from moment to moment. But every now and then, a prophetically intuitive dream, or mental image will give a select few, the ability to glimpse the future. The concept of eternity suggests that everything exists at once, including us. We do not think, or see everything collectively because our five senses operate in the same manner as time, taking us from point A to point B. Each of these perceptions has a beginning and an end. To illustrate my point, bend down and take in the fragrance of a rose. The scent enters through your sense of smell, but when you leave the presence of the rose bush, the flower’s fragrance becomes nothing more than a memory. The same applies to the flavor of Mom’s apple pie. The memory remains, but the taste fades after you’ve finished the pie. I recently visited Mount Rushmore, and marveled at the sight of such an enormous work of art. And though I have the photographs to confirm I was there, the actual sight has faded into memory. The same is true of the last song I listened to, and the last key I touched on the keyboard of this computer. The hypothetical sixth sense, on the other hand, operates somewhere outside the confines of basic linear progression. Some have seen events that have not yet occurred, while others relive past events that did not happen to them. If this sense is real, it suggests that we have the ability to pull pictures of past, and future event into the present, giving the recipient the ability to see non-consecutive parts of a story at the same time. If you believe in extra sensory perception, intuition, or prophecy, then you believe in something more than the natural progression of events. If you believe in the predictions of Nostradamus, Edgar Casey, Jean Dixon, Gordon Michael Scallion, Isaiah, Daniel, Timothy, or St. John the Devine, then you do not believe in the linear passing of time. To believe in possibilities, such as seeing temporal events before they happen, is to believe that those events could be pre-conceived. And to entertain a notion like that, whether you are willing to admit it or not, is to believe that some force, outside the constraints of time, is at work. If that is true, then time is nothing more an illusion. The point is this: our universe cannot have randomly come into being on its own. Something cannot emerge from nothing, and the finite cannot evolve independently within the infinite. You have every right to question your existence; that is simply part of your discerning curiosity. However, if you cannot adequately prove wrong the points raised in this editorial, then don't let pride cause you to scoff at, or ignore them. The wise person is always looking for answers to help in understanding the questions that fill his or her mind. If those answers lead away from earlier conclusions, the wise person is not too proud to follow where those answers lead. The proud person, on the other hand, develops paradigms based on incomplete research, believing themselves intelligent enough to fill in the gaps.
  • I find this idea very interesting. The other question would be: what is an organism? Is it just something based on our organic chemistry? The problem would be that is seems that life as we know it developped a long time after matter appeared. And there are great parts of the known universe inclusive the earth where we did not detect life. Maybe we are not searching for the right thing?
  • I might be able to believe that. Maybe.
  • yes this meer theory may be plausible to the certain point where it is unprovable, but if it were true that "God" was a single celled organism, would it also be safe to say that the universe was created from that one single celled organism? I think this could lead to the combination of two very unique answers to one particular question- "God" created the earth, and the "big bang" created the heavens. but maybe in reverse order.
  • Why not go back a few more steps, before matter. God is energy with a conscience. Energy can create matter. Throw in a life force and a little conscienceness and create all kinds of matter and life forms.
  • God is considered to be the source of a lot more than just life on earth. So for God to be a single cell from which all of life came really explains nothing about the rest of theology.
  • God made a one cell organism, but He is not the organism although it is not seperate from Him because He created it. God is beyond all Creation whether it's one cell or the countless forms of Now. God is beyond form but also in form, nothing exists without Him. It is essential to to see He is beyond form ever existing, this is also what He Created you like. You may have lost your identity in form, but you are truly beyond form, and that is were All of our True Identities are, as one ever existing Spirit. God Bless
  • it explains life, but not the universe. great idea though
  • Interesting and possible
  • If that's the case, then God is dead. Thanks for that thought. I need a drink.
  • God is big enough to handle all of your questions. Never be afraid to think. That ability is a gift from God. Don't waste it.
  • God was never that insignificant. If your honestly serious about that question. I don't think you should be down rated because you just don't know something. It sounds like you've been thinking about things and thats not bad. Its a good idea to find out for sure about something that important. About the God who sustains your life everyday. What do you think?
  • Answers about God are only given to the ones who are genuinely interested in knowing. Not for those who just for entertainment purposes want to throw around a few questions and answers for the fun of it. Some things are just too important in life to seek randomly or to avoid all together.
  • Then, we could all praise the great amoeba up in the sky
  • Look into Zero Point energy... there is a correlation between atoms and the universe

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