• 1. fresh fruit 2. sugar 3. rum (or brandy) It is traditional to begin with the first fruit of the season (typically strawberries) but in an age when fresh fruit is easily imported and available all year in our supermarkets, you can begin with your favorite fresh fruit, as long as it is ripe (not over ripe) and full of flavor. Ideal fruits are: Pineapple (remove rind & core and cut in large cubes) Cherries (any variety, pitted) Apricots (halves, pitted) Nectarines (halves, pitted) Peaches (remove pits and cut in halves, quarters, or slices) Pears (cored, peeled & sliced) Plums (remove seed and half or quarter) Grapes (sweet seedless red or green grapes are ideal) Strawberries (don't wash, just remove stem & leaves). Strawberries will lose their red color. Raspberries (don't wash). Raspberries will lose some of their red color. Red currants (removed from stem) Other less ideal fruits, may be added if you wish: Blackberries or Blueberries (can be bitter and can discolor the other fruits) Watermelon and Cantaloupe chunks (can make the mixture a bit watery) Rhubarb (can make mixture sour) Bananas (too mushy) Citrus (too acidic) Directions: Wash and dry the inside of the Rumtopf. Wash and dry the first chosen fruit. (Don't wash Strawberries and Raspberries.) Remove any stems, seed and pits. In a separate bowl cover the fruit with an equal weight of granulated sugar and allow to sit for one hour. (example: 3 pounds of fruit and 3 pounds of sugar) Place the fruit, sugar and any juices left in the bowl into the Rumtopf. Pour in just enough rum or brandy to cover the fruit. Weigh the fruit down with a clean saucer or plate Cover the opening of the Rumtopf with plastic (to avoid evaporation) and place the lid firmly on top. Store in a cool place away from heat and sunlight. Adding additional layers of fruit: For each additional layer of fruit follow the instructions above, but use only half as much sugar. (Example: 3 pounds of fruit and 1 1/2 pounds of sugar.) After the fruit and sugar has rested for one hour, gently add this mixture onto the earlier layer. Do not mix the fruits. Add more rum or brandy to cover the new layer. Cover with fresh Saran or plastic wrap and the lid. Throughout the summer, repeat the process for each new fruit until your Rumtopf is full. Then allow the entire mixture to sit for another 4 to 6 weeks. It is best at 2-3 months, which is just in time for the Holiday festivities. Serving suggestions Serve the Rumtopf fruits with its syrup (hot or cold) over ice-cream, cake, flan, puddings, or cheese cake. Serve in an elegant dish topped with whipped cream or crΓ¨me frΓ’iche. Serve as a side dish with any game meat. Serve the strained liquid as a liquor or after-dinner cordial. Add two tablespoons of the strained liquid to Champagne for a unique and elegant cocktail.

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