• Protestant Denominations Adventists Advent Christian Church African Methodist Episcopal Church African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Agapemone Aglipayans Amana Church Society Amish Church Anabaptists Anglican Communion Anglo-Catholic movement Armenian Church Arminianism Assemblies of God Baptists Bereans Behmenites Beroeans Bible Christians Bible societies Brethren Brethren in Christ Broad Church Brotherhood of the New Life Brownists Burghers Calvinism Calvinistic Methodist Church Camisards Catholic Apostolic Church Calixtines Campbellites Christians Christadelphians Christian Catholic Church Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Christian Endeavor Christian Reformed Church Christian Science Christian socialism Churches of Christ Churches of God, General Conference Church of the Nazarene Church of Christ, Scientist Church of England Church of the Brethren Confessing Church Congregationalism Covenanters Community of Christ Cumberland Presbyterian Church Diggers Disciples of Christ dissenters Doukhobors Dukhobors Dunkards Dunkers Dutch Reformed Church England, Church of Episcopal Church Episcopal Church, Reformed Ethical Culture movement Evangelical Alliance Evangelical and Reformed Church Evangelical United Brethren Church Evangelical Church Familists Fifth Monarchy Men Foursquare Gospel, International Church of the Friends, Religious Society of Free Church of Scotland fundamentalism German Catholics German Baptist Brethren German Reformed Church Gideons Glassites Harmony Society High Church Huguenots Hutterian Brethren Hussites Illuminati Independents Ireland, Church of Jehovah's Witnesses Latter Day Saints, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Church of Jesus Christ of Levelers Lollardry Low Church Lutheranism Mennonites Methodism Moravian Church Moral Re-Armament Mormons National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America New Jerusalem, Church of the New Thought New Church nonconformists Oxford movement Oxford Group Peculiar People Pentecostalism People's Temple Pietism Plymouth Brethren Presbyterianism Protestantism Protestant Episcopal Church Puritanism quietism Quakers Ranters Racovian Catechism Reformed churches Reformed Church in America Reformation Remonstrants Reformed Church in the United States Reformed Episcopal Church Reformed Presbyterianism Renewed Church of the Brethren River Brethren Sabbatarians Salvation Army Scotland, Church of Scotland, Free Church of separatists Seventh-Day Baptists Second Adventists Seventh-day Adventists Shakers Social Gospel Socinianism South India, Church of Solemn League and Covenant Taborites Tractarian movement Tunkers Unitarianism Unitarian Universalist Association United Church of Canada United Church of Christ United Methodist Church United Presbyterian Church Unity Universalist Church of America Unitas Fratrum United Brethren in Christ United Zion Church Utraquists Vaudois Waldenses World Council of Churches Yorker Brethren Zionites
  • There are hundreds if not thousands of denominations and sub-denominations. Here are some of the main and more popular ones. Baptist Angelican Lutheran Methodist United Church of Christ You also have to remember that they also have sub-denominations. For example Lutherans have three main (and several minor) sub-denominations. Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, and Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.

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