• Not necessarily.
  • Depends, my doctors said that more babies are at a lower birthweight on avewrage now because teens are having babies more often now, 5-6 lb babies versus 7-8 lb babies, the docs also said the teens have more premature baies because their body really isn't matured enough, it also depends on the genes, there are 50-70 year old women with perfectly healthy babies :)
  • I think on the face of it you could be right....certainly a lot of older parents seem to have children with health issues...just my own observation.
  • There are studies that show that child birth and the health of the child directly after birth has differences between a mother of a young age and a mother of advanced maturnal age. See for a guy our sperm is produced brand new everytime but for a girl she is born with all her eggs. If they wait to long the egg does show signs of their age. Some of these issues can carry longer into the childs life. A rough study once showed that a women who is over the age of 35 has around a 50% greater chance of having a child with Downsyndrome than women in their late 20's. To conclude with an answer both yes and no. No it has nothing to do with the age of the parents but yes it has something to do with the age of the mother.
  • Teenage mothers are more likely to have premature babies, and mothers over 40 have increased chance of giving birth to a child with downs syndrome. However the key is increased risk or more likely. In most cases age of the mother does not make any difference to the health of the child. eg although a 45 woman still only has a low chance of giving birth to a child with downs syndrome it may be 4 times greater than if the mother is 30.
  • most likely
  • I had my first child at 31 and my second at 42 (surprised us!), both my children are healthy. Both my kids (so far), are well adjusted confident kids. The only difference I have experienced of having children at 31 and 42 is my energy level.
  • Healthier children are produced by healthier parents possessing the best of genes and DNA structure at the prime of their reproductive life. Younger is a very comparitive term.
  • I have read that the younger you are (within reason), the better the chances are of having a healthy child. There are certain risks associated with being pregnant when you are older..I have read that the best time is before a woman is one ages, eggs/sperm age as well and perhaps are not as viable. So many women in their 40's having children for the first amazes me that if they always planned to have kids, why they didn't have them at a younger age. :) I believe I also read that there is a higher incidence of autism among children of older parents.
  • Don't know about people, but young broodmares produce faster racehorses than older ones....
  • Within reason, yes. Children born to really young women are more likely to be preemie or low-birth weight, whoch tends to have health issues (but not always). Younger women are less likely to utilize proper prenatal care, within a certain age. However, above 35 women are more likely to give birth to a child with birth defects, and older men have a greater chance of fathering children with schizophrenia. So there's a sweet spot I guess :)
  • No doctor here, but.......... I believe that age has nothing to do with having a healthier baby. Its each persons genes. Older people, in their 60-70s have produced children that are perfectly healthy. Its not the age, its the genes.
  • I think it all depends on the parents genes. I have seen crack heads have babies that were totally beautiful and healthy. Then I have seen mothers that do everything right and by the book and something be wrong with their baby. I don't think age has anything to do with it.
  • i am not doc but i just heard that age between 23-30 is good
  • In this country anyone who gets pregnant after the age of 34 is eligible for more pre natal testing than would be suggested to a younger mother, this includes nuchal fold scanning and in some cases mothers are entitled to amniocentesis tests as the likelihood of disorders such as downs are said to increase in older mothers. There is also considered to be a lot of evidence suggesting a correlation between a mothers age and the increased likelihood of autism. Personally, I have trouble stating an opinion on this question though, as in one circle of friends I am the youngest (at 30) of the mommies in the group by at least ten years, and all the children seem smart and healthy and very happy.
  • According to scientific and public opinion they are. Opposite: when older parents, the children are more social and tolerant because their parents are not so hyper anymore. I have no links to back that up.
  • I really don't think so. It depends on the genes and on mother's lifestyle. I used to eat plenty of healthy food just before I got pregnant and during pregnancy. I took really good care of myself - regular clinic visits, plenty of fish, vegs and fruit.., vitamin pills, swimming, walks in the countryside,fresh air etc etc. I was 32 and 34 years old when I had my kids and they are perfectly healthy, thanks God. I know of women who were half my age but drank lots of alcohol, smoked cigs, ate junk food etc during pregnancy and then they were surprised to have a tiny underweight unhealthy baby.. it's definitely not the age!

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