• I am a Christian and I have an Athiest (or Agnostic... whatever you want to call him) in the house. I think it's because (first of all), Christians seem to be more promininent in the area we live in. I don't know of anyone else of any other religion in our area although I have LOTS of friends of all different religions. Secondly, I think that many Christians he has encountered have been a little pushy with him about it and have literally started arguments with him. So, now... he hears "Christian" and he's already defensive. Plus, it's sad to say that a lot of Christians aren't really Christians, if you know what I mean. I mean, it's really easy to say that you believe in God and Jesus but the definition of Christian is to be Christ-like. I don't know of many true Christians plus, I don't know everyone's walk with God... I guess that means, I can't even consider myself a true Christian sometimes. :( Not to mention, he's been hurt by a bunch of different people claiming to be Christians so he says they are all hypocrites. I always tell him the best place for a hypocrite to be is in church or some other place (NA, AA, temple, mosque, whatever)!!! :)
  • Christians in my mind are the ones that cause me the most problems in life. When some of my friends "joined the flock" at first things were fine. Then they started making attempts to convert me, which I politely declined, but after a while began to counter with my own logical reasoning of the world. Every time I showed them huge flaws in their logic which left them without the ability to retaliate, they became more annoyed at me and refused to continue in any other fashion than that of an infant, repeating various scripture in a mantra like fashion until I gave up talking to them. In the rest of the world I perceive Christians as constantly struggling to take away people's freedoms, such as the freedom to choose whether to have an abortion or not, or the freedom to marry a same sex partner. Christians get in a huge fuss over things that could offend their God, but surely if he is as great as they claim, he doesn't give a damn what a bunch of humans are saying. I don't care what religion anyone is, providing they don't force it down my throat and providing they are ready to accept criticism against it. It is the sign of maturity when one is able to maintain a debate without venom on the subject.
  • We are in the (post) Christian western world. Christianity is the largest religion and therefore gets the most attention.
  • Because, to succumb to broad generalisations, most Athiests are of Christian descent, and are self-hating by nature. Athiests know inflatable goose-all about Islam, and they fall under the Holocaust-influenced group who feel that anti-Semitism is a mortal crime, so that probably has something to do with it.
  • I am an atheist - and I answer a lot of questions re religion on AB, but I try to do so without bashing. I normally use Christianity as an exmaple because being from the western world my knowledge on Christianity is much better than Islam etc. I also beleive Christians on the whole are more liberal than some of the other relgions, so if I say something in general and choose Christianity as the example, I will not get downgraded just for not beleiveing. In the end religions give people a lot of comfort. REligous extremism is the cause of many wars. However, the majority of religious people are not extremists and try to live their lives in a good way. So hopefully no one will treat my opinions as Christian bashing etc. I have often stood up for the religions - there were some disgusting anti- Jehovah Witness questions put on. Which I found very offensive. I doubt if it was an atheist that posted those questions. In the end - if I convert someone to atheism - I have gained very little. I have not saved their soul. I have not prevented them from going to hell... So I like to give my opinions but I dont feel strongly on them and I can understnad why religious people take their faiths as the most important things in their lives. When answering questions we need to consider that. Good question by the way.
  • This is a vey opinionated issue. It seems alot of anger develops from this issue and people do not define the actuality of christianity, and bein ateist.
  • Because Answerbag is dominated by British and Americans. In both those countries, Christianity is the dominant religion, and the only one which is trying to affect politics and education. There are no Muslim/Hindu/Buddhist/Jewish Pat Robertsons or Creationists in the UK and US. The US President and UK Prime Minister are both declared Christians. If there were an Arabic Answerbag, Arabic-speaking atheists would be attacking (or defending themselves against) Islamists.
  • Honestly, I think that they brought it on themselves. It is like ProudPugParent said, some of them try and cram it down people's throat and the actions of some so called Christians scream hipocrisy. God wants his word spread, but I think it should be done quietly, reasonably, and not be force fed to anyone. If you are going to "talk the talk" you need to "walk the walk".
  • In my opinion there are a larger number of people from predominately Christian backgrounds who have turned to atheism. Other religions seem to be more inured in the culture where they crop up, so people 'live' their religion and there is less dissent. I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing, as it's good that one is allowed to question their place in the cosmos, but there is less strife where everyone is moving the same direction. Unless I come up against someone who uses their religion to be rude or bigotted I will always try and treat them with the respect I expect from them. I DO understand the frustrations of both camps, though, and how that sometimes spills over into unguarded comments that are designed to provoke. The plain answer to your question, though, is that Christianity gives more freedom to question so people question more vociferously.
  • It's you. Hey, personally, I really don't care what religion you are, or what you believe in, anymore than what you care about what I believe in. I don't understand why it's so important to you. But I do believe that if you get bashed, it's probably because you were disrespectful of other peoples beliefs or opinions because they either don't support or conincide with your own beliefs. Perhaps your theological debating skills require a little more honing, who knows. If you come on AB preaching Christianity or whatever religion you are, apparently your on the wrong forum, they have other websites that you can go on and preach to your hearts content, to people who will buy into your boogerjive man, the general population here doesn't really wanna hear it from you people who think your some great oracle who's gonna save our souls by quoting babble verse after babble verse. I find holy roller fundamentalist psychobabble boring and an insult to my intelligence, it's almost as if you assume I never even heard of the bible before you showed up on the scene and now your gonna save us all with your great ability to quote babble verse after babble verse argh! I got news for you people, God took care of things long before you showed up, and he will take care of them long after your gone. Sometimes I wish my keyboard had a bitchslap key or somethin. However if you want the general consensus reponse, which will be brutally honest with you, hang on to your crucifix cause your gonna get what you ask for here on AB. Ya'll are more than welcome to come here and hang out with us athiest, buddists, muslims, jews, mormons, infidels and gentiles, but don't come on here thinking your all high and mighty than the rest of us. AB is a diverse site, where all men and women are equal, no matter what God, religion, faith, or not you believe in. - Thanks Nevets, my reasoning is this, if someone feels that their being singled out on AB, they only have themselves to blame, because in general, that is what they want... something to complain about. They want to feel persecuted so they can justify their cause and throw themselves a pity party. This Q is nothing short of frivalous boogerjive mon.
  • I am not anti-Christian but my blood boils when I hear people like Pat Robertson stupidly hurling insults and rants against good people of other nations and religions. I am not an atheist either but, I am frightened when I see powerful pressure groups trying to change the science subjects at schools and insist that their own theologial interpretation of biology, geology, earth sciences and origins of the universe are valid 'Science'. Religion and Science should go hand in hand and compliment each other - As Einstein said - Science without religion is lame, Religion without Science is blind. George Bush, Tony Blair and our Prime MInister John Howard are terrible examples of Christian adherents and their lies and aggressive policies do nothing to warm many to the wonderful qualities of Christianity. Christians continually speak of taking their message to the world - I can see that this could be seen as a threat to many other faiths as well. Also, The almost arrogant 'only we are right' attitude also grates on many folks who respond with sharp words.
  • Because they can get away with it. Religions other than our own are protected by law; If you rant against moslems you're likely to start a riot! Probably because they're athiests they are not really interested in religion so haven't investigated the intricacies of Islam or Buddhists or Hare Krishnas for example. Christianity is taught in most schools so an atheist has a basic handle on it.
  • Cuz they're the worse of them all. Or is that worst?! lol
  • Well, I try not to "bash" religion personally. But I will agree that I argue with Christians over politics a lot more than I do with Jewish people, or Wiccans, or Hindus. My explanation is this: When Jewish people try to pass laws to keep me in the house from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday, because their religion requires it, I will argue with them. I am not a Jew. I should not have to live under Jewish law. When Jewish people try to remove pork products from all grocery stores because their religion forbids it, I will argue with them. I am not a Jew. I should not have to live under Jewish law. When Hindus lobby the government to close down McDonalds based on their use of cow products, I will argue with them. Well, I might let McDonalds pass. But they can NOT touch my Steak'N'Shake. I am not a Hindu. I should not have to live under Hindu law. When Muslims pass laws marking the location of Mecca on our school's walls for the required prayer time, I will argue with them. My family is not Muslim. I should not have to live under Muslim law. When Christians withhold Plan B from me at my Pharmacy, despite the fact that it is a legal drug, I will argue with them. When they bomb and attack Planned Parenthood which I rely on for my birth control, I will argue with them. When they fight to remove health care benefits from my gay and lesbian brothers and sisters and deny their right to marriage, I will argue with them. When they fight to destroy science education in the schools, replacing evolution and physics with mumbo-jumbo, I will argue with them. I am not a Christian. I should not have to live under Christian law. I do a lot of arguing with Christians in the USA. Why do you suppose that is?
  • I've met a few atheists and i've asked them this question before. I've noticed that some are comfortable around eastern religions but not Christianity. They say that it is because Christians try to convert. But I think that if you went to a country with a different religion they would maybe feel the same about that one. I'm not an athiest but i'm also not a Christian. So I feel for them because some Christians do think it's o.k. to tell you you're going to go to hell if you're not one(at least in my case). I think that Christians should still share their beliefs with atheists (or anyone else)in a way that gets their point across, but is respectful of the fact that they may not change their mind.
  • Because they are mad at God and blame the christians for worshipping God but the truth of the matter is, atheists are bitter and mean hateful people remember Jesus said we christians would be persecuted for His name sake. its in the bible :)
  • The Atheists I know do not appreciate that Christians, and Christian politicians in particular, impose their religious beliefs onto state matters (laws). Living under a law influenced by religious beliefs you do not share leads to discontent, to say the least.
  • Perhaps they know in some way deep down that we (Christians) are right but they obstinately refuse to believe.
  • I've often wondered the same thing.
  • I've often wondered the same thing.
  • "Is this just me?" I don't think it is just you. Other people do it too. Do I gather you are finding it hard to stop? Could it be addictive ? But seriously, I think it probably just seems this way because in your area there may be more christians publically influencing events and basing decisions on things atheists feel to be irrelevant or damaging. If another religion was doing as much of the same stuff it would get the same bashing.
  • They're the only religion that knocs at your door early on a Saturday morning.
  • Why is it that christians assume that atheists "bash" them. And we do have rituals, it's called scientific methodology.
  • Please re-read the initial question, and explain to me where I stated that I assumed you were a christian, as well as at what point I disrespected you, as well as when I didn't give an honest answer, though in the form of a question, to the initial honest answer.
  • I'm an atheist, and I have more experience with Christianity than with any other religious group. I know more Christians than members of any other religions. Christianity is the predominant religion in my country, state and city. This is probably the case with most of the atheists you come into contact with. Therefore it is more likely if an atheist wants to bash a religion that it would be Christianity. While I personally don't bash Christianity (it isn't at all productive), I'm guessing most of the bashing has to do with the unsolicited attempts of Christians to convert atheists. I've never had a person from any other religion try to convert me, so I can see how some atheists might be more antagonistic toward Christianity than other religious groups. I'm not excusing bashing of anyone, just offering some possible explanations.
  • Christianity is the largest religion in the world, and in countries in the Middle East, India, or China being an atheist would get you killed or the people simply don't have the education to get to an intellectual level where they can seriously question whatever faith they were brought up in. Perhaps since more atheists are coming out of generally not-as-repressive christian countries, they have more experience dealing with christians, therefore criticize them more.
  • In all honesty I would have to say that there is more focus on Christanity, I freely and openly admit it, but please don't call it 'bashing'. Christanity is the largets relgion in the world, it has over two billion people who beleive - and alot of those people, or /some/ at least like to attack the integrity of athists for no reason at all, other then the fact that they feel, in my most humble opnion, threatned of being proven wrong and what not. Due to this, they attack atheists, which makes them 'jaded' if you will, which causes them to sometimes discuss Christanity more then other religons. And anyways, why would go on about Islam in the middle of the Bible belt?
  • (This is my humble opinion, and please keep in mind this is only meant to cover a partial segment of those atheists who bash Christianity. I think there are other reasons atheists bash Christianity and I fully understand that all atheists do not bash Christianity. This explaination refers only to a certain portion of those atheists who actually do bash Christianity.) Those on the far left of the political spectrum hate what the U.S.A. stands for and the values it was founded on. They are hesitant to say this outright as they do not want to be seen as "America Haters" so they take the tactic of attacking the the underlying values including Christian morality. The underlying intent is not so much driven by wanting to attack Christianity but to change the U.S.A. in to what they want it to be. It just happens that Christianity is the predominate religion in the U.S.A. and the values of Christianity were the guideline for the basic principles of the country so Christianity becomes the target. If someone admires the work of Madalyn Murray O'Hair they likely fall into this category.
  • As an atheist, I find more evangelical christians who argue their point blindedly and without an open mind then I do of other religions. Perhaps overall Christians are more liable to come out about their faith and stand up for it, or perhaps more Christians have internet then of other faiths? I dont really know
  • A couple of things might lead to the perception: 1) We have a lot of exposure in the Western world. 2) We are, at our very best, a radical and scandalous faith preaching non-retaliation, love of enemies, sacrificial discipleship, and vicarious atonement -0 scandalous doctrines. I wish most of our criticism was for actually living out these values. Then it could be counted as "persecution" which we were instructed to (a) expect, (b) not complain about, and (c) actually rejoice in. 3) Sometimes we are obnoxious, unloving, and disrespectful. There is no honor in this. We discredit the Name of Jesus through behavior that is not bathed in love. 4) Sometimes folks just don't understand what it is we believe because other people have used Christianity as a cover for horrible atrocities in the history of humanity. 5) We have often mistaken Western values for the gospel and have promoted causes that, while they may be legitimate philosophies to be argued in the political realm are not essential to Christian doctrine. 6) Sometimes we are inconsistent. 7) Sometimes we are simply being persecuted, but not much in America, for being different, peculiar, and unmovable. If this is the case, we have much to rejoice about.
  • I'd say some do but without meaning any harm or realising it. I personally try not to because I know that some Christians 'bash' Atheists. Why must religions be against each other? Argh!
  • Honestly, I think the radical Muslims bash Christianity heavier than athiests do....Although I do agree that there are many, (not all) athiests who do some heavy Christian bashing...Well, not so much bashing as they try to make you feel stupid for believing in God.
  • Christianity is the largest religion in the world, and has the bloodiest history. Look at the atrocities carried out in the name of "The One God" and "Christ." It also has the most hypocritical followers, and plenty of extremists trying to convert everyone. Now, granted, not all Christians are like this, but the majority that I've met are. It makes it hard not to put it down.
  • because a hell of a lot of christians are hypocrites and bigots and the 'born again' ones are the worst by a country mile
  • Speaking as a Christian, I think it could be a response to the fact that Christians (and Muslims, which are also bashed a lot) tend to be more aggressive about promoting their religious beliefs. Many Jews feel that if you're not born Jewish you'll never be a true Jew, so don't bother converting. (I dated a Jew who said that.) Hindus and Buddhists generally don't proselytize. Muslims and Christians, by contrast, feel it is their duty since non-adherents are believed to be condemned. By aggessively spreading their religious beliefs, the more extreme of these two groups can be very obnoxious. Bashing could well be an automatic, dig-in-the-heels, I'm-not-converting-and-you-can't-make-me response.
  • Probably because it is the dominant religion that they are exposed to in the US and many of the people that know belong to some form of the christian faith.
  • I'm not sure it is technically possible for a question to be honest. That seems more an attribute of an answer.
  • For myself it is because it is the religion I am exposed to the most but I have no particular prejudice, I dislike all religions equally (well.. I have a soft spot for Buddhism which I see as more of a philosophy than religion but...). I do bash Christianity. As long as it spends each Sunday saying everyone else will burn in Hell I think fair's fair. Not that I would attack an individual Christian. Their choice, just don't push it on me, I will even concede that you can say I am evil and going to burn as an individual as I can just ignore them but when it is a concerted group effort I get annoyed.
  • Well for one thing the western world in which i assume you live is dominated by christianity.. Another point is that christianity is a religion that by it's very nature seeks to convert everyone to it's belief system and therefore builds alot of resentment from those who don't wish to be converted or live by christian biased laws... Those are MY reasons anyway... but i also bash Islam and Judaism on a fairly regular basis also; it's not exclusively toward christianity
  • Because its mostly christians that try to convert them. not all of them some of them are amazing people but you do get the odd few
  • Because the attack on the "big dog" is the key. It is the same reason why inside the CHristian COmmunity the Catholics take the greatest heat. If you can take down the Catholic church, how hard after that would it be to take down smaller less powerful churches. Be aware of what is going on, if the Catholic church goes down, all other Christians will soon be gone as well. We need to stand together in defending our faith.
  • I think Christians that try to ram their religion down our throats might end up feeling that way
  • Not just you, it is true a small amount of research proves the point!
  • it's because when the die the will becom a tree, get cut down, mashed into paper and then have the bible printed on them.
  • well usually xtianity bashes atheism heavily more than not. Also people are tired of xtians forcing their junk down the throats of people who generally dont care. IE science(leave it alone, we dont need the bible junk in schools), gay rights(it doesnt affect xtians one bit, so BACK OFF), tv show attacks(good grief shut up about it, cry a river build a bridge and get over it, dont like it dont watch it, but dont fuck it up for the rest of us{just because billy donohue doesnt like seeing jesus fight santa doesnt mean that the rest of the world doesnt}) Quite frankly simply because xtians stick their noses where it doesnt belong on a constant basis, merits a attack not by atheists, but rather people who would like the freedom to be able to wake up, and scratch their ass without someone blaring out "BLASPHEMY!!!" Im a atheist yeah, but I shut up until a xtian starts babbling about going to hell, or converting my sexuality, then I hold no quarter because it is a personal attack
  • It's clearly because atheists have the freedom to question the dominant religion in developed countries, which is Christianity. They don't dare attack Islam in Islamic countries, or Hinduism in Hindu ones.
  • we are against the lies in the religion not the people

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