• I had a problem with that for many years... Im afraid that if you just so happen to be the kind of person prone to that, you have to either learn to accept yourself as a sensitive reactory personality type... Or do what I did and cut your heart out and learn not to ever completely care about anything or anyone. I suggest the latter of the two or therapy? I hear hypnosis can be effective too but I have never tried it for that reason.
  • I usually end up biting my lip. I get very quiet, and literally - try and go to my "happy place". I try and think of something else...anything else. Having said that, 9 times out of 10, I fail...and end up bawling my head off. Ok, give me a break...I'm a girl!
  • I hold back the tears by getting pissed off about something. I do that about everything that brings me to tears in front of people. That's why people think I'm such a bitch. When in all actuality I'm a very sensitive person.
  • I tend to become shy and try to avoid eye contact. Or I try humming the lyrics to a song, something to distract me.
  • Think about something else that's funny, happy, etc. If that doesn't work I just look at the good and try to look at every event in life has a meaning and it's all going to work out in the end.
  • I would tell myself to quite acting like a sissy.
  • I don't bother. It's me.
  • There's nothing wrong with crying in front of others...I wouldnt hold back unless I had good reason!!
  • Always. I hate crying in front of people. If I actually do it, I must be really upset.
  • I cry very very rarely. When I do it's usually on my own or everyone is is crying anyway (funerals) although even then I don't cry much or for long.
  • How about you pull out your hanky and pretend that your allergy just flared up.
  • If I can't hold them, I don't. I don't mind crying in front of others and have in the past. I don't see any stigma from crying or showing real emotion. If something has upset me that much, why not show it? If something has moved me in a good way, it's there for all to see if they care. No one has ever been mean to me, or ridiculed me and I've gotten some really nice hugs and love at times when I really really needed them.
  • I think it has to do with, what, when and how.. after a very ugly divorce, it seems i don't cry very often. I seem to not care about a whole lot now a days. I don't think crying means or shows a sign of weakness, I think it shows more, a sign of hurt.
  • Leakage will happen ,anyway....
  • I rarely cry in front of people.
  • it is a learned exercise in survival, i'm afraid. i've done it so frequently over the years, it's hard for me to cry, even in private.
  • Tears clean you out!!!!I used to be a very hard woman..because of my past and I never could, I cry almost every day...I actually feels good! and I have actually brought someone else to tears by watching me cry...I think people should not hide their feelings...this old world is getting harsher and harsher...we need tender people to remind us that we are more than just animals. Now, if you have someone who can't deal with my husband....that is Their problem, not yours (their issues) true to who you are and love that fact your heart is still soft enough to cry....Show your strength in your weakness....cry...cry...cry!
  • I can't !!! I really can't .. and that put me in an embarrassing situation sometimes !!
  • deep breaths
  • I don't.
  • I find that trying to do something completely removed from what is making me upset is the way to avoid crying. I always pick up a ringing phone at work - that level of normality from the person on the other end always brings me back to a calm state.

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