• No. Not in and of itself. Combustion requires three things: heat, fuel, and oxygen. Take any one away an combustion doesn't occur. If the barrel of gas is FULL, then there is no air (oxygen) mixed in with fuel vapors, and no explosion will occur. If the barrel is NOT full of gas and fuel vapors exist mixed with air (oxygen), then an explosion MAY occur if a spark happens when the bullet pierces the barrel. However, lead or copper jacked led is not very good at producing sparks when it strikes steel. This is not to say that an explosive or flammable condition will not exist after shooting the barrel. Even if no fire or explosion occurs, the spreading fuel and fuel vapors will rapidly make the surrounding area extremely dangerous and any stray spark, open flame, or red-hot metal may provide the necessary heat to ignite the fumes.
  • Try it and see what happens
  • I do not think so. Gasoline is highly inflamable. But a bullet piercing the barrel in which gasoline is stored will not produce any spark as most barrels these days are made of plastics. So there may be leakage of gasoline through bullet hole but the barrel will not explode. However if the shot is from very close range the spark might still be there in the bullet. This too might ignite the barrel only and cause a fire but will not cause the barrel to explode. For explosion very tight packing around the combustible explosive will be required. Gasoline barrels are not strong enough or the gasoline is not volatile enough. So the worst that can happen is a fire. No explosion.
  • No, I think this myth was busted on Mythbusters.
  • what kinda barrel is it metal wood plastic?
  • A tracer bullet might do it.
  • mythbusters did something very similar to this , it was on our tv just the other day, basically no, although they uesd something even more flamatory, they finally fired a giant almost torpedo at it, and it did blow up , but it was beyond shooting the thing.........
  • Nope :)
  • Only if you're a character on "Starsky and Hutch"
  • Yes, according to the Hollywood movie cartels. My 2 cents.
  • yes because of the heat produced due to the hitting of bullet with barrel may results into explotion

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