• Could just be plode as the ex + im would cancel each other out. Interesting thought though.
  • OB39 is right. Ifound this definition online..... "Plode. An implosion and an explosion happening at the same time,...."
  • Generally, when objects implode, they tend to suck inward violently, then, because of the extreme inward force, they cause an outward impact and thereby parts of the object are projected violently outward. As in Explode. There are implosion bombs that explode, hollowing-out the ground and then implode to suck all of the contents of the hole back inwards. This process is caused by modifying the molecular structure around an area. Some bombs, when exploded, violently removes the available surrounding air causing an object to suck inwardly an in a vacuum. So to explode is to provide additional air to the surrounding molecules, and to implode is to remove the air surrounding an area to creat an extreme vacuum.

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