• Very much so, but I believed it was inevitable. That being said now the real fight begins.
  • Many people are. I'm not exactly sure why, except that the opponents of it did a pretty good job trying to make it into an issue of discrimination. Here's my take on it: Marriage was originally a religious institution. I think making it a legal one as well was a mistake. The only solutions are more laws to define who can and cant be married, or completely removing marriage from the law books. Leave marriage as a purely religious institution, and leave a church's decision about who it will allow to marry up to its own values and beliefs. Let the terms 'civil union' or 'domestic partnership' refer to both straight and gay couples, I'd be totally fine with that. However that's not likely to happen. I'm no expert on these things, but I believe that a civil union gives a gay couple the same rights as a married couple. If not, put a piece of paper in front of me that says they will get the same rights and I'll sign it. Just please don't call it marriage. That implies a union blessed by God (which is why they're traditionally held in churches to begin with), but the Bible's clear on homosexuality being a sin. Let the DR's begin.
  • Yes. It appears California voters fear that without the portection of an amended constitution gays will infect the entire State. God only knows what that might lead to.
  • Yeah everyone who voted yes is a selfish hater.
  • Angry?, no, I am proud that it passed. It gives me hope for America, and American values. The most liberal state in the union held up for traditional values. Go figure.
  • Not really angry, just disapointed in California. I really did think our society had evolved past this sort of thing.
  • I am. How would the Prop 8 proponents feel if they weren't allowed to marry?
  • Lots of people are very very angry. The supporters of Prop 8 got it passed, just barely, by spreading Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. They spread all sorts of lies about how churches would be forced to marry gays or else loose their tax-exempt status, which is completely false. These were the same lies being spread by bigots in 1948 when California was the first state to permit inter-racial marriage. Don't worry, prop 8 won't be around for long.
  • My sister and I are sitting here bitching about it right now. I push the refresher and here is the question, how funny. I am disgusted that it passed. People voted "yes" by listening so much propaganda and not checking sources. I can not believe people especially in California think it is ok to discriminate. It makes me very sad that our society is taking a HUGH step backwards. I hope the gay and lesbian community prevail in this awful time for them.
  • I'm more disappointed than angry. It seems I overestimated both the intelligence and concern for justice of my fellow Californians. It's a sad day for the civil rights movement. California used to lead the progress for justice and freedom, now it seems to have crawled back into a dark-ages hole of fear and superstition.
  • I am disappointed that it passed. I live and Cali and I voted no on prop 8. I think it is sad that it passed.
  • yes, i was totally shocked i totally thought there was no way it was gonna go through thats really too bad and its unfair to the people who have gotten married already, they just get it taken away not fair
  • im disappointed and mad. i thought we were going forward, we elected Barack Obama and then we have this shoved in our face its despicable. Im glad its not over, when they over-turn it, perhaps then, the church will realize that there is a such thing as equality under the law.
  • I saw it coming. Insisting on the terminology "marriage" rather than trying for a legalization of "civil unions" for gay couples was doomed for failure. I am angry at those who turned this into a political crusade and am sorrowful for those who truly needed and/or deserved a legal recognition of their union.
  • Marriage predates recorded history. We'll probably never come to an agreement on this since my view of prehistory involves clans of primates and "pagan" social contracts, and your view of prehistory probably involves a garden and a snake and an ark. And that's all fine but with such divergent views we'll probably never reach a mutual consensus. My view is that marriage evolved along with the communal social structure of early societies. First in clans and then in villages couples hooked up in order to form stable and secure family structure to protect their children. I imagine that there were always one or two well groomed male primates who would head off into the bushes together, but who cared since sin and shame hadn't been invented yet, and hey, less competition for the babes. In Greek and Roman societies, people became married simply by publicly declaring themselves to be so. No religion. No ceremony. But certainly in America the religions have always laid claim to the idea of marriage as a bond granted by God. But I think that the people who talk about the original form of marriage just aren;t going back far enough in history.
  • These are just the things that happen when you mix Church with politics. Keep the Church in it's place and let real law makers do what they went to school for.
  • I'm Happy it passed....I guess my vote did count :)
  • yes. im not gay but i have gay family members and it pisses me off that they cant marry if they meet some one that they fall in love with.
  • not really its not in my state I just don't think it is natural for a man to be with a man or a woman to be with a woman.
  • Not real sure what "Proposition 8" is, but this is still a republic, yes?
  • I'm disappointed that it passed. The main problem I see about homosexuality is that the most deadly STDs out there are far more easy to catch through homosexual promiscuity in men. Gay marriage is good because it allows gay men to get married and enjoy their sexuality with people they love, which helps prevent the spread of HIV assuming that they will be monogamous in their marriages. Its good for everyone. Less things to worry about. It is clear that the religious junkies hate homosexuals. Otherwise they would see the brighter picture.

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