• Agree, it's really the single biggest problem in the world.
  • Disagree. Poverty, hunger, illiteracy, drugs, religion, oppressive regimes, wars cause much more and worse problems than overpopulation
  • Agree, strange how the globes single biggest issue never seems to be addressed by politicians, etc
  • Agree: joblessness, homelessness, poverty, hunger, etc. would be solved overnight if they just werent SO many of us.
  • Yes. It is a very unpopular stance. But if you research the topic, you'll find projections for diminishing population sometime around 2025. (Brookings Institute). Also, research: Contemporary Thought in Eugenics. (Also an unpopular topic - hey, I don't make the news, I just report it). If a politician touched that subject, they would be accused of eugenic thought, as the nazi party was. If a person brought up mandated birth control, they would be run out of town on a rail. Or crucified by christians.
  • Agree, unfortunately we wont bother to address it until things like starvation are at an all time high.
  • Disagree, with proper funding and a change to how the system works we could solve most of the worlds problems with technology thats currently being underfunded and some made illegal. In order to slow population growth many places need to be made civilized and educated. Its the lack of humility in governments. The western world can be replicated and made better.
  • I agree, sad this is a taboo subject for politicians. Otherwise, we might actually adsress an issue BEFORE it destoys us.
  • Agree, too many people, not enough jobs(unemployment), not enough food(hunger), not enough oil(price-control), not enough land(wars), and so on!
  • Agree, but human ARROGANCE keeps us from accepting this truth (while 20,000 different species go extinct every year). I doubt humans will ever come together & admit this until it is way, WAY too late.
  • The problem is not the population, the problem is the unwillingness of human beings to live sustainably. More than half of all the animal biomass on Earth is in the form of ants, and animal biomass makes up a tiny fraction of the world's total biomass once plants are included. Clearly the Earth can sustain vastly larger amounts of human biomass than currently exists. For more than 50 years now, we have had the technology to construct zero-impact arcologies, self-sustaining communities which are environmentally neutral. If everyone on Earth lived in an arcology, there's no reason we couldn't sustain a population of 60 billion or 600 billion. The problem is that the small group of sociopathic overlords who rule the planet (the richest 200 people have wealth equivalent to the poorest 3 billion) have no intention of equitably distributing resources, or permitting all people to enjoy the sort of empowering, spiritually uplifting lifestyle possible with proper wealth and resource distribution. This is why the only solution is revolution. I mean, really, wealth and comfort for all could be had for the cost of 200 bullets.
  • Agree, the time is soon coming when denying this will no longer be the "popular" opinion.
  • Agree. There are more and more people having children that can't afford to take care of even themselves in the first place. I've said this quite a few times to people I know but they say that it would be communism. I believe there should be population control. Not killing people or really hurting anyone but sterilizing. If you are under a certain tax bracket then you cannot have children. Each family can only have so many depending on how much they earn. I know it's not a democratic view or even American in some cases but it is my opinion. I'm just sick of my taxes taking care of families with 15 kids and neither of the parents working. Why do we encourage reproduction so much in a society that is extremely overpopulated? *waits to be down-rated*
  • Disagree, strongly. Overpopulation is a symptom, not the actual problem. The problem is greed. There is no profit in educating people to become self-reliant and self-sufficient, to only have as many children as they can afford to feed, to rely on renewable natural resources, to set aside religious and racial divides to accomplish common goals.
  • Agree, reasons are obvious. Poverty, hunger, gobal warming. Has anyone ever noticed the more populated cities become, the more inhumane the people seem to be?
  • agree...our economy is based on the factor that our population always increases. This cannot continue indefinitely:(
  • agree, we are soon 2 learn the hard way
  • Disagree. It is more an uneven distribution of population and resources. 25% of the world's population consumes more than 75% of the worlds resources. Greed is the real root cause of society's problems. What caused today's economic stress? Greed or overpopulation? was the world overpopulated in 1939 that it caused WWII? What war was started because of overpopulation? Most of the time it was greed and lust for power.
  • Root cause? no, Greed is the root cause. Overpopulation is caused by Greed
  • Agree, definitely a root cause.
  • If that were true, sparsely populated places like Alaska would have no problems and no crime.
  • How about the lack of education and lack of exposure to different cultures, ideas, and even generations.
  • Disagree. There are some areas where they are not crowded and there life is still stressful and they still have personal problems, and addictions, and racial hatred, and greed and selfishness. There could be 3 people on an island and there could be horrible discord, especially if there was two of one sex and one of the other. Some of the most populace countries have been relatively peaceful, but there has always been selfishness and greed. That is what societies problems are and they come from inside of us and ones who want to do what they want and not for the betterment of others.
  • Disagree. Greed, selfishness, and dishonesty are the root cause of society's problems, in my opinon.
  • Disagree.
  • I would say that society's problems have historically stemmed more from cultural misunderstanding than overpopulation.
  • Disagree, over population is a symptom or by product of human instinctive/emotional biology. The root cause of all social problems is that biological nature rules and intelligence/rationality is not used in any way, shape or form.
  • One of many. If the population was one half or one forth of what it is now what problems would not or was not? No crime, no disease, no starving people? Some problems for sure can be more pronounced such as the taxing of natural resources. May well contribute to; but I would only say a root cause if we can include about twenty others.
  • Either way, educating girls worldwide would do much toward solving problems
  • Disagree, overpopulation is an effect of a misconceived idea that preserving life no matter the cost is the best choice. Which is the true problem, the misguided idea of what the value of life is.
  • Immorality is the root cause of society's problems!
  • I think land ownership takes the cake
  • Overpopulation is more of an ecologic/enviromental problem.
  • Disagree, even if the world were sparsely populated, there would be a lot of the same problems. The biggest problem is peoples attitudes.
  • Agree. It has always amazed me how we never really address this very real threat. The human population, since it's onset, is growing exponetially. This is a phenomena that isn't really noticed until numbers real a certain amount. The numbers have been that certain amount for decades now, and the exponential growth is showing it's magnitude more with each year. That's why it's, in my opinion, a great thing that we as a planet are gravitating toward global unity through the internet. Soon, not too far in the future, we won't have the luxury we do today of mobility within the constraints of the ever growing massess. It's almost unconscionable that such a thing could actually happen, that our own numbers can one day be the thing that not only restricts our every move, but may also force us together to form a common ground, as a global, rather than national community. It's a must, really, if we are to find ways to continue to maintain and produce the necessary resourses to deal with those very real gigantic numbers.
  • no it is proper education & awareness.and good .center
  • uncalled for agression is a root cause for today's problems. instilling fear into our society is another cause. letting the banks and the real estate companies rule buying and selling homes is a factor. allowing illegals to stay in the usa is a factor. lots of people come here from Germany, and stay underground.
  • Not really, society has had major problems for centuries, even when total population was in the millions. Man's root problem is his sinful nature.
  • People not diciplining their children anymore is the root of today's problems, and it is only getting worse.
  • Ignorance,selfcentered approach towards life,hatred towards others due to some vague fanatic ideas giving rise to acts like terrorism, quest for an easy approach to get to the ends are some that hits the top slot in the list.Overpopulation is certainly one of them but,that won't be one if we weed out the earlier mentioned problems.
  • I disagree. Competition for resources is the root cause. Often justified under religious or patriot guises. But overpopulation can only make the problems worse, especially when the Abrahamic religions insist on overbreeding. Go forth and multiply indeed.
  • I personaly disagree because if only population is problem than how can Chiana be one of the fastest developing country in the world.. so the development of country depend on the its governing bodies that how they can use there people. I personally belong to Pakistan which has population nearly 15 crore but yet we are not in the race of developing country because our goverment is not sincere with there people thats why we are facing so many problems...hope that is answer of ur question. please reply or comment.
  • Disagree. I am sending a burst of positive love to surround an protect you as today's journey unfolds
  • I don't agree. I think self-interest or the "me first" attitude is at fault here. We have technology and the wherewithall to do good..we choose to engage in wars, or choose to be corrupt, or choose to abuse/use/harm others for our own selfish purposes. If we were guided by selfless principles and believed we were put on earth to help one another, society's problems would melt away. Except for those who were mentally ill or social misfits, the world would be a vastly different place. Just my opinion of course. Happy Saturday to you! :)
  • Absolutely! There are far too many people in the world. We are badly overstressing our resources while not doing a good job of caring for the people who are here. Yet we continue to create more and more. We would be far better off to take a moderate approach in reproduction and a proactive approach in fostering, adoption, and volunteerism to help the children we already have in the world.
  • Yes. Here in Puerto Rico it is probably the basic source of most of our problems, but you will never hear anyone talking about it. It is like some kind of taboo. Too many people than our job creating systems can handle will lead to unemployment, poverty, and social problems.
  • I believe that over population and religion go hand in hand. It is religion that preaches birth control, or if you will, that reproductive freedom is evil. If religions would stop making determinations of what is good and what is evil, and allow the 'faithful' to make those decisions themselves (like, free will), we might have lots less people subjugated to life with too many children to support, educate, teach values to... I am not sure that you can EVER separate over population and religion. I will concede this point: overpopulation can also happen due to ignorance and lack of ready birth control. There is another point to make here: it is best to have individuals make the decisions about their reproduction choices. It was tried by governments: in China and in India. It was ugly in both places. In China it has created an inbalance in gender as well as in value given to gender in birth. Now that huge numbers of children were killed in earthquake, China has said that people who lost their kids could have another - that is not be confined to the one child rule. As far as India and proscribed birth control: Read, Salman Rushdie, Midnight's Children. Then come back and have the conversation with me.

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