• No. I think a person's character can be very accurately measured by their ability to win gracefully.
  • No, but they surely are doing it tonight with the D/R's.
  • HA i already have!! just got off the phone with him and he is belly aching like a b*tch!! LOL, so awsome, we got the house, senate, and preident!!! big things are gonna happen in the next 4 years!!!!!1
  • no. I am not that childish and immature.
  • Of course they will. Are you kidding me?
  • Goodness no, even though i voted for Obama, i think McCain put up a great fight and honestly cried at his speech. I do not believe our political parties should be another thing to tear us apart.
  • Just the one's who claimed McCain had it in the bag. Really, we should at least get a few days to remind them why you shouldn't start calling your candidate our new President before election day. I would do the same had McCain won.
  • No, what do you think we are? Republicans? :)
  • I did in a question, but other than that no. It so happens the girl I'm in love with is a Republican and I would never upset her intentionally
  • yeah, i plan on TOTALLY rubbing it in one republicans face ~ my coworker. hes a staunch republican and he knew i was traveling to virginia, a huge swing state, from maryland to cast my vote. i know he was responsible for letting the air out of my right rear tire. i almost got a flat on my new car. he had joked earlier in the day cryptically that he was going to stymie my efforts to vote. what a schmuck!
  • No, I don't.
  • Hell to the YES!
  • I've been rubbing dumb republican tricks in their faces for years, since Ronald Reagan, the crappy actor. I see no reason to stop now. The Republicans have been the enemies of America for years. Does anyone believe that Republicans will LEARN something from Obama's victory? Will they slap their collective forehead and exclaim, "Omigod! I AM NOW A MEMBER OF THE MINORITY PARTY! I CAN APPLY FOR WELFARE!" Will Republicans ask, "Can I LEARN something from this huge defeat of everything I have stood for? Do I need to rethink my ignorant, misguided ideals & behaviors?" Will Republicans repent, change their ways, and work for the good of the country instead of for only for themselves? Call me cynical, but I doubt it.
  • No, one of my best friends is a Republican and I called him after it was shown that Barack won. He picked up and we joked that Ralph Nader won by a landslide victory. =P
  • I remember when all the Democrats voted for Jimmy Carter where i worked and after he was president for a few months, these same people started bitching about him. Then me, a Republican, had my chance to rub it in. I'll remember all the AB'ers that wanted Obama to win and when they start bitching about his performance, i'll rub it in also.
  • no. It was a very highly fought battle between the Democrats and Republicans. Now that there is a winner, it is time for the country to heal and move on to more important things like solving the financial crisis, Iraq/Afghanistan War, and national debt. Gloating won't help and will only make the national divide even worse.
  • I am absolutely thrilled and excited by the election results. But, as a mature adult, I don't resort to such juvenile behavior.
  • I usually don't because it is so immature but there is this one person who is an exception ;) (he is so full of it and a self conceited individual who says anything and knows everything)
  • No, I have too much class for that! Besides, all of the glory belongs to God - not me!
  • I already rubbed it in my dad's face. Suck it dad, we have a black president.
  • Absolutely not. That's a Republican tactic.
  • I'm not but I know any will. It's the American way.
  • Lets see you try to do that 4 years from now when we see the results of this morons presidency.
  • NO But I do seem to get downrated every time I say I am happy that Obama won. I guess they see that as rubbing it in their face.
  • No, its sooooo 2004 ;)
  • No. That's incredibly imature, and how will that help anyone? We need unity, not division. And I for one will not be rubbing anyones face in it.
  • I am already... By leaving the sign out on my lawn where all of the McCain signs are long gone already. heh heh... Obama candidiate sign, stickers and buttons... $25.00 donation. Putting them out on the front lawn so that the neighbors are made aware that my vote will cancel out theirs... Priceless!
  • Absolutely not and after hearing John McCain's speech on getting behind our new president and coming together as one, I would hope and pray that all Democrats heed his words. Let's stop the hurting and start the healing.
  • No. The fact that they lost ought to be satisfaction enough for those who like to gloat. There are too many bigger issues at hand to be laughing in someones face. It's funny though because unlike McCain's supporters, no one booed when Obama honored McCain during his speech. I think that says alot in itself.
  • I will only 'rub it in their faces' to the extent that they wail "Oh GOD! Obama is President. We're all doomed!". I will then point out to them that the Sun still rose, there is still air to breath, and life is going along pretty much as it did before. I guess after 40 years of political dominance, some Republicans have forgotten what it feels like to lose and can't comprehend a world not run by them.
  • Not at all. What good would that do? Happy Wednesday! :)
  • Well, Hasn'tBeen has been there done that, I can vouch for him.
  • Well, I'm not a Democrat, but I do plan on rubbing it in my Republican mother's face some time soon.
  • Hasn't there been enough trash talk, already? The elections are over. I'm looking forward to not worrying about it for the rest of the year.

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