• Dinner is always a substantial meal - the main meal of the day. Supper can be the same, but it can also be a light snack eaten during the evening.
  • Dinner is the formal evening meal. Supper is an informal late evening meal, although often sed as a synonym for dinner. Learn more here ... At least that's the way I have always viewed the terms.
  • Although 'supper' is often used as a synonym for 'dinner', particularly in southern and east coast U.S, they can refer to separate meals. The interchanged definitions often refer to the evening meal but 'dinner' can also reference the main/most substantial/grand family meal of the day regardless of the time of day it occurs which can be as early as midday and 'supper' a night 'brunch' or 'lunch' equivalent meal.
  • When I was younger, dinner was the noon meal. Dinner was the "main" meal of the day. Supper was a light meal used to hold you over to bedtime. Now that times have changed, lunch is the light meal of the day used to hold you over until you can get home to eat dinner...the main meal of the day.
  • They're interchangeable. Like Attorney and Lawyer. Zombies and Trumpsters.
  • They differ a lot in local usage. I lived in one locale where (for the farmers) "supper" was at noon and "dinner" was at night. In most places I've lived, the two are used synonymously. *** According to the dictionary *** Dinner: the main meal of the day, taken either around midday or in the evening *** Supper: an evening meal, typically a light or informal one
  • Supper is a light meal about 2 or 3 hours after dinner.

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