• I think adoption is a kind way of opening your heart to someone that may not have had much of a chance to have a better life.
  • I would do it, I would also do foster parenting because a close friend was a foster child and I think they deserve better than what he got :(
  • your parents must love you to have adopted you and your birth mother must have loved you enough to insure that you would be in a good home. My younger brother is adopted, and he is as close to me as my biological brother.
  • I gave up a son for adoption and I often wonder if it was the right move but i know he's much happier and that I couldn't take care of him the way he needed to be taken care of. I am glad someone was there that was willing to adopt him and give him the proper kind of life. If I could afford it and was stable enough, I would gladly adopt a child. There are so many kids who need loving who just need a loving parent. Sadly the states make it almost impossible to qualify to adopt anymore.. or even to foster a child. I wish more and more people would consider adoption rather than abortion (whole seperate issue). I think people who are willing to take in someone else's child as their own is an awesome person.
  • I think it's wonderful when two people make the choice to share their love and lives with a child. It's a very unselfish thing to do, and you should feel special knowing that of all the kids they could have adopted on this planet, they chose you!!
  • It’s a beautiful—though completely misunderstood—means of growing a family. One of my children was adopted; the other was not. Neither I nor my wife has ever felt the least bit different about the two, and we’re incredibly excited to start the adoption process again. From the birthmother’s side, it’s the most noble sacrifice she could possibly make. The individuals that claim that birthmothers are “taking the easy way out” should be slapped upside the head; there’s nothing easy about placing the child you bore in the ams of another family! It’s unselfish, loving, and generally the best way to give that child a better life.
  • family is not a biological word. To adopt a child is no small task, so they must really have wanted you. and isnt that better than being raised in a home with biological parents who may not. It is also something that has taken place from the beginning of time. Even in ancient times, when a child was orphaned, the village would take the child in. It is just as much an actof love as birthing a child oneself.
  • its doubt!!! i love it!!!
  • it's a damn good thing. i know someone whose adoptive parents called her their 'chosen child.' the alternative is to leave children in care, and those who want to adopt unfulfilled. sadly, just as with natural parents, not all adoptive parents are perfect. a bit of give and take always helps.
  • I too am an adoptee- i think its a wonderful gift to give a child and a wonderful gift to receive as a parent.
  • Story. My parents adopted 2 girls about 4 years apart.( one was 1 day old , the other 3 days old) They were given the best of everything, even more so than myself and my natural sister. The youngest hurt my mother and father all her adult life, she told everyone they weren't her parents and she was adopted. She took their money plenty well. She would not call dad her father but mom she called mother. The other wouldn't say she was adopted and called them mother and father. When both parents died the younger one is all about the money and the older we have found out conned my father by promising to do what he asked when he died but before he was in the ground she was breaking her promises because she has the power and control of the money. Sad as it is this story is true so I have a bad taste in my mouth. Oh yeah, I adopted my wife's 10 year old son and when he was 16 he raped my 4 year old son. All I can say is love the parents that adopted you and honor them when they are gone, they didn't have to adopt you but they did and be proud of them and love them and please don't turn out like my adopted sisters did.
  • Adoption is spectacular. It's how we need to deal with children who are unwanted (please take no offense) or who can't be raised by their parents. It's a far better solution to abortion.
  • Adopting those three children from all over the world is why I admire Angelina Jolie so much. Brad Pitt, accepting them as his own enough to want to join in the adoption is why I admire him as well. In addition, they give millions of dollars each year to charities, mostly those involving children. They use their celebrity to benefit others..they charged $20million to some magazine for the first pictures of their twins..all of which went to charity. People who adopt are angels in my opinion! :) ((hugs))
  • I think adoption is a wonderful thing when it is done for all the right reasons. Every child has a right to loving parents, biological or otherwise.
  • i personally believe that you shouldnt open your legs and expect somebody else to deal with it!!! i will never understand why people give their children up, if there is violence in the home, get rid of the violent person NOT the kids, if your a druggie you shouldnt have got yourself pregnant in the first place. harsh yes i know but children are a blessing, some people can't even have children.. as for those who adopt children, i have much admiration for them, to take a child on as your very own and showing them the joy of life and family is very commendable. I do hope hun that you had a good upbringing with your adoptive parents and remember, blood isn't thicker than water, your adoptive parents have been your parents, whether blood related or not and they will always love you :)
  • Honey I adopted a 6.5 year old girl when I was 57. I can tell you it changed my life 180 degrees. Are you thinking of finding your bio parents, or you know them?? In one word I can tell that Adoption is a BLESSING.
  • Adoption is trully trully a blessing, for both the adopting parents and the the adopted child. I mean adoption which is done because it is necessary. Some people adopt children not because they need to but for the fun of it. Guess what? when the fun runs out cos it always does, things go bad. For those who adopt cos they need to, it changes thier lives for the better. I been a foster parent to a little girl since she was five months old and Im about to adopt her. I can not even begin to explain what fostering this girl has done for me. S, people shud adopt for the right reasons.
  • I never relay thought about it before, but I would have to say that I think it's a great option to have, and though I have no personal experience I do believe it's a good thing for parent-less kids.
  • I was adopted too. I don't know what I think of it. My adoptive family are fantastic but being adopted is something I will live with for the rest of my life. I mean, it's important to me. Like it's part of my identity. In my case I think adoption was a beautiful solution in a painful situation. I think it has a profound effect on everyone involved. In the end, given the choice, I would want to be adopted again.

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