• A lie. Conditioning of the mind. Mind State. Normality Isanity. Or the lack of either of the former Fact,Reality,
  • Agreement.
  • Truth stands the test of time, and you could say that along with how a hypothesis becomes a law if there is truly something to it, a statement or even a Book becomes truth, not only because of the authority of the Author, but because it has endured and is without fallacies.
  • getting caught
  • verifiability
  • facts. for more go here:
  • the truth is only what the "masses" believe.
  • A truth becomes so because enough people agree on it---at least until someone ot something comes along to change their minds.
  • Lacking contradiction.
  • 1) "What makes truth the truth? Is truth the truth because you believe it's the truth? Is truth the truth because you "know that you know that you know" it's the truth. Can anyone see the flaw in this type of reasoning? What do you do when the "truth" you believe doesn't stand up to the test of science, logic, archeology and historical facts? Well, you can decide that what you believe isn't the truth." Source and further information: 2) "Meanings for the word truth extend from honesty, good faith, and sincerity in general, to agreement with fact or reality in particular. The term has no single definition about which a majority of professional philosophers and scholars agree, and various theories of truth continue to be debated. There are differing claims on such questions as what constitutes truth; how to define and identify truth; the roles that revealed and acquired knowledge play; and whether truth is subjective, relative, objective, or absolute. This article introduces the various perspectives and claims, both today and throughout history." Here an outline of the article: "1 Nomenclature and etymology 2 The major theories of truth 2.1 Substantive theories 2.1.1 Correspondence theory 2.1.2 Coherence theory 2.1.3 Constructivist theory 2.1.4 Consensus theory 2.1.5 Pragmatic theory 2.1.6 Pluralist theories 2.2 Minimalist (deflationary) theories 2.2.1 Performative theory of truth 2.2.2 Redundancy and related theories 3 Formal theories 3.1 Truth in logic 3.2 Truth in mathematics 3.3 Semantic theory of truth 3.4 Kripke's theory of truth 4 Notable philosophers' views 4.1 Ancient philosophers 4.2 Medieval philosophers 4.2.1 Avicenna 4.2.2 Aquinas 4.3 Modern philosophers 4.3.1 Kant 4.3.2 Hegel 4.3.3 Schopenhauer 4.3.4 Kierkegaard 4.3.5 Nietzsche 4.3.6 Whitehead 4.3.7 Nishida 4.3.8 Fromm 4.3.9 Foucault 4.3.10 Baudrillard 4.3.11 Ratzinger 4.3.12 Badiou 5 Notes 6 References 7 See also 7.1 Truth in logic 7.2 Theories of truth 7.3 Major theorists" Some excerpts: "A logical truth (also called an analytic truth or a necessary truth) is a statement which is true in all possible worlds or under all possible interpretations, as contrasted to a synthetic claim (or fact) which is only true in this world as it has historically unfolded. Logical truths are necessarily true. A proposition such as “If p and q, then p.” and the proposition “All husbands are married.” are considered to be logical truths because they are true because of their meanings and not because of any facts of the world. They are such that they could not be untrue. Logic is concerned with the patterns in reason that can help tell us if a proposition is true or not. However, logic does not deal with truth in the absolute sense, as for instance a metaphysician does. Logicians use formal languages to express the truths which they are concerned with, and as such there is only truth under some interpretation or truth within some logical system." "- Foucault Truth, for Michel Foucault, is problematic when any attempt is made to see truth as an "objective" quality. He prefers not to use the term truth itself but "Regimes of Truth". In his historical investigations he found truth to be something that was itself a part of, or embedded within, a given power structure. Thus Foucault's view shares much in common with the concepts of Nietzsche. Truth for Foucault is also something that shifts through various episteme throughout history. - Baudrillard Jean Baudrillard considered truth to be largely simulated, that is pretending to have something, as opposed to dissimulation, pretending to not have something. He took his cue from iconoclasts who he claims knew that images of God demonstrated the fact that God did not exist. Baudrillard wrote in "Precession of the Simulacra": The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth—it is the truth which conceals that there is none. The simulacrum is true. Ecclesiastes Some example simulacra that Baudrillard cited were: that prisons simulate the "truth" that society is free; scandals (eg, Watergate) simulate that corruption is corrected; Disney simulates that the U.S. itself is an adult place. One must remember that though such examples seem extreme, such extremity is an important part of Baudrillard's philosophy. For a less extreme example consider how movies, almost without exception, end with the bad guy being punished, thus drilling into the viewers that successful businessmen and politicians are good or, if not, will be caught. - Ratzinger Philosopher and theologian Joseph Ratzinger, before his election as Benedict XVI, explored the relationship of truth with tolerance, conscience, freedom, and religion. For him, "beyond all particular questions, the real problem lies in the question of truth." In consonance with Aristotle and Aquinas, Ratzinger affirms that human reason has the power to know reality and arrive at the truth, and for this he alludes to the achievement of the natural sciences. He sees that "the modern self-limitation of reason" rooted in Kant which views itself incapable of knowing religion and the human sciences such as ethics leads to dangerous pathologies of religion and pathologies of science (ecological disasters and destruction of humans). He thinks that this self-limitation, which "amputates" the mind's capacity to answer fundamental questions such as man's origin and purpose, dishonors reason and is contradictory to the modern acclamation of science, whose basis is the power of reason. In his book Truth and Tolerance, Ratzinger affirmed that truth and love are identical. And if well understood, according to him, this is "the surest guarantee of tolerance." - Badiou Alain Badiou has gained renown in contemporary continental philosophy for his theory of truth as a situated "truth-procedure" consisting in the practice of fidelity to an event. According to Badiou, truth-procedures are situated, singular, subjective, and universal. Badiou defines love, art, science, and politics as the four domains of truth-procedures, and defines philosophy as a space of thought conditioned by and concerned with thinking through the interaction of truth-procedures in these four domains. Badiou's theory of truth is deeply rooted in his mathematical ontology, and has gained notoriety as a critique of postmodern philosophy and post-structuralism articulated from within the tradition of Continental philosophy." Source and further information:
  • Truth is something that you find, it's there whether you are or not. UNtruth is only there after you create it.
  • The fact that it is actually what the truth is.
  • Pilate asked a similar question. John 18:38 "Pilate said to him: “What is truth?" If you are talking from a Biblical perspective, you might consider 2Tim 3:16 "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness", so Bible truth would have to be in harmony with all of the scriptures. There is truth, that which is really so, sometimes verified by solid evidence, but sometimes unverifiable, but which there is never any solid evidence that it is false. And there is percieved truth, that which you feel is true. Take for example the shape of the earth. Some 500 years ago or so, many were convinced that it was flat. Is 40:22 "There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth, the dwellers in which are as grasshoppers..."
  • Empirical evidence.
  • Depends on what you mean by "truth." "Big T" truth is what is: objective reality. In the most all-encompassing sense, for the religious person it would be God, the divine, or whatever you call the most transcendent reality. However, most of the time "truth" is referred to, it's "little t" truth: our ideas about reality, rather than reality itself. People often confuse the two, and this makes for no end of trouble. Our ideas about reality will never be reality itself. What the mechanism is that connects our finite minds with infinite reality, I leave for you to decide. So, the real question being asked here is, "What makes 'little t' truth the point of access for 'big T' truth? People who reject the spiritual world have a problem answering that, for reason alone has no means of traversing the subject-object dichotomy. For people who accept the spiritual, however, 'little t' truth becomes the gateway to 'big T' truth whenever it bring the mind into focus - gets it out of the way - to allow the spirit of man to encounter the divine.
  • truth remains per hindu's holy book-gita,no amount of lies can change the truth.truth is self-supportive.
  • Nothing. There is no evidence to support a truth to be the truth. The evidence can be a lie. Everything can be a lie. Even if you recount it before on your own eyes, your eyes can decieve you. Everything in this world is made up on theories and lies. Nothing is true.
  • To some people, it's all about spelling. It seems to make a difference to them whether it's spelled: truth, Truth, TRUTH or even tRuth. So, take your pick
  • In short, reality. I go with the truth found in God's Word, the Bible. “I request you, not to take them out of the world, but to watch over them because of the wicked one. They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth. Just as you sent me forth into the world, I also sent them forth into the world. And I am sanctifying myself in their behalf, that they also may be sanctified by means of truth”. John 17:17-19
  • truth makes truth because it is a fact.
  • This world is made on the foundation of truth. The problem is not enough people sincerely seek it out. There is always a solid truth but mostly people aren't willing to accept it. Sometimes it takes a leap of faith to find truth but when you really embrace it (or embrace the finding of it), you'll find that everything makes least to that degree of truth. For real though, it takes a willing honesty to really find truth. Truth is not something you can make or already just takes a sincere and open heart to find it. John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me..." John 17:17 Sanctify them by the truth; Your Word is truth. Not trying to shove anything down but it just comes down to if you really want to find the truth in this life. Then earnestly look into seeking whatever that is. For me, I completely believe in God and the Bible, just simply cause more I learn, the more confident i become about the real Truth. Plus more evidence supports that than anything else. Look into it. All it takes is an earnest person to find truth and really seek it out without closing any doors (like the possibility of God).
  • Tangible awareness.
  • When it's not fiction.
  • When more than one person says its the truth
  • When there are facts to back it up. +5
  • The biggest army.
  • 1.logic 2.mathematics 3.nature

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