A DVD with extra commentary by Al Gore of "An Inconvenient Truth."
shoes:) It's 75 outside at 8:11 pm
My lover. He keeps me plenty warm.
I'm kind of a sweater guy, or a simple flannel
Just put on this coat, and you'll be warm.
The heat!(furnace)
A big fluffy Hoody :D
My b/fs PJ bottoms, one of his huge sweaters and my Invader Zim blankie :D
Tjoe if this is cold, what will it take to warm you up when it really gets cold? :D This is Ohio ya' two months you'll be prayin' for this weather...haha
an eskimo suit. Plus 2 showers a day. Dont like this weather. Like warm.
The heat!
My girl. <3
Another log.
I actually like being cold, or at least a little cold. Being cold makes me seek someone so I can get warm with her . . .
The heater, or an electric blanket. Usually the heater, and usually when merely putting on a jacket would have been enough. I waste energy.
HaHa! First snow fall today. In for another 8 months of the white stuff. Wood stove..Gas backup. And puppy Dogs.
Sweat pants, turtlenck and a big 'ole Irish Sweater. And I have Uggs for my feet. That being said, I'd rather have my girlfriend on. That gets plenty warm:)
A big heavy rob.
Do you really want to know? I have a really nice "winter white" long parka and I also have black "Ugg boots" I wear black leather, fur lined, gloves, and I have a purple "Kangool" fuzzy,warm skull cap type hat. I also have a long black scarf, that I like to wrap around my neck in cold weather
A woman?
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