pots category
Posted by sexykins20 some time ago
How to get rid of blind spot im 22 never get spots
Posted by whippet some time ago
I never usually get many spots but recently I have a lot of little pimples on my chest, back and neck. What could be causing them and how can I get rid of them?
Posted by samberto some time ago
If you have squeezed a white head but it doesn't go according to plan and you end up with more of a wound than a spot, what's the best thing to put on it?
Posted by Anonymous some time ago
I recently discovered a very small discolored (brown) patch on my abdomen, just below my right breast. It doesn't itch or hurt, and it's not raised. I can't easily get to a doctor, so I'm asking here if anyone thinks it's something to worry about.
Posted by RicanHype some time ago
I have a large patch of dry skin on my stomach that won't go away no matter how much exfoliating or moisturizing I do. It's itchy and flaky. Even the Dermatologist have no clue as to what it is. What could it be?
Posted by PRETTY LADY some time ago
I have white spots around my lips how can I get rid of them?
Posted by Anonymous some time ago
I have little red bumps everywhere they look like pimples and they never go away its been years is it an std or tattoo diesease what is it and how do i get rid of em
Posted by Anonymous some time ago
I have a blood blister on my leg and its been there for months,i've poped it a few time but it always comes back the same day that i pop it, like whitin the hour. can you tell me how how to make it go away? and why it keeps coming back?
Posted by Anonymous some time ago
I have a red sore spot on my butt cheeck how do i get rid of it
Posted by some time ago
I have dark skin between my thighs from them rubbing together;i am not diabetic. what can i do (currently losing weight)to lessen appearance
Posted by anonymous some time ago
When is the last time you had a pimple!!!
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