• Yes, but with some provisos: (1) They should be employed or seriously looking for a job (2) They should be paying room and board; if unemployed, there should be a "tab", a tally kept of what they owe for room and board, which they should be expected to start paying off when they get a job (3) work done around the house (cooking, cleaning, lawn care, repairs, etc.) can be counted against any room and board owed to parents at the rate agreed upon or set by parents - but cleaning one's own room doesn't count! (4) and of course: always follow parents' rules in parents' house
  • Above 30? No, unless they are caring for the parents,or have got into financial difficulty due to divorce job loss, but should only be temporary. Becoming independent is part of being an adult,if a person relies on their parent as a child, they are too immature.
  • It depends on their situation. If someone has special needs and unable to live by themselves, they will need support by their mother or father or both depending on if the parents are still together or not. In some cases, a special needs child or adult whose parents have passed away will need a carer to look after them or provide support depending on their needs.

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